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Various ministries for our children may include:


  • Sunday School classes for children of all ages that meet every Sunday at 9:45 a.m.

  • Children's Church during the Worship Service (see below)

  • Each Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. our Girls Route 66 group meets as well as our Red Rock Boys Club.

  • A Vacation Bible School or Fall Festival for children of all ages 


Each Sunday we have a full-length nursery & toddlers ministry for both the Bible Study hour and the Worship Service.


We also have a Children's Church for those between the ages of 4-8, that is held during a portion of the regular worship service. They are taught and challenged by hearing and participating in a Christ-centered Bible lesson.  A craft activity usually follows that enhances the relevancy of the lesson.​

Wednesday Night Activities
6:30 p.m.

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Red Rock Boys Club

For boys in 1st - 6th grades
The Red Rock Boy’s Club coaches young men to embrace biblical values and strengthen their faith in Christ. Boys interact with godly men through fun activities each week which includes Bible memorization, awesome science experiments, and fun group games.

Route 66 Girls Clubs

- 1st - 5th grades

- 6th – 8th grades

Take a trek through the 66 books of the Bible. This journey introduces girls to the wonders of the Word and the adventure that can be found in a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. The girls discover personal Bible study, Scripture memorization, prayer and evangelism. Additional activities include arts and crafts, games and learning life skills such as cooking and sewing.

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